
Showing posts from May, 2024

Archive Delving - Venture & Dungeon

I'm working my way through more games of crowdfunds past. Today, I'm looking at Venture & Dungeon (which are  technically two different games, but bundled together).

Archive Delving - A Guide To Casting Phantoms In The Revolution

I'm back to take a look at another game that's been sitting on my shelf for years and years! Today I'll be reading through World Champ Game Co.'s A Guide To Casting Phantoms In The Revolution .

Review: ARCANA (for Heart: The City Beneath)

Work on NEW BLOOD continues! While I'm thinking about designing for Heart, I've been wanting to read as much as I can. Today, I'm looking at a cool little supplement, a collection of a bunch of character options, including what are called "Extra Advances," which were in Spire but not Heart  (or the core book at least). It's called ARCANA, and it's by Eric Scott!

Archive Delving - Inscrutable Cities

Welcome back to another archive delve! Well, kind of - the text I'm reading today is close to the top of my pile! After securing my personal pan pizza, I think I want to shake up the format a little bit, and mix in some recent releases with the older stuff, maybe meet in the middle kind of Memento-style. I might switch up the title scheme! But for now Archive Delve will be specifically for stuff I crowdfunded, and hopefully I'll publish some other reviews of other stuff I'm reading, just for fun.  Today, we're reading Inscrutable Cities , by Julian K. Jarboe, and published by Possum Creek Games! I'm a fan of PCG's other stuff, like  Wanderhome  and Yazeba's Bed and Breakfast (they have a bigger, cool catalogue, but those two are the standouts to me). Inscrutable  is obviously riffing off of Calvino's Invisible Cities , which I also  quite enjoy, so I have high hopes. Let's delve!