For February, the Adventure Calls reading club read 50 Fathoms , a pulpy pirate-y pointcrawl / campaign setting for Savage Worlds. It's a big one! I wound up thinking a lot about the social fabric the text imagines.
For January (a month which, you might note, has already passed us by), the Adventure Calls reading club read Against the Cult of the Reptile God . I read it too! You can read other readers' thoughts here . Spoilers for the adventure follow! Content warnings for the module include mind control and sexual assault.
This is entirely different from my usual ramblings - this post is meant to be a resource to talk about the latest ongoing Fallen London story, Firmament ! I would have previously have used cohost for this (rip), but we make do with the blogging tools available.
Time for another delve! Hopefully without too much resistance (this is a joke about Heart's Delve procedure). Today, I'm reading the very-recent first-draft pdf release of Dagger in the Heart !